Mosaics on the Belfort Square. Time == Art

The “Time == Art” mosaics in Belfort Square in Almere sound like a fascinating work of public art. The concept of time as art, inspired by the Mayan culture, is an interesting perspective that invites viewers to think differently about the value of time and energy.

Emeke de Buitelaar, the artist who created the mosaics, has a unique approach to the relationship between time, energy, and art. The idea of energy x time is art is a thought-provoking concept that challenges the idea that time is just a commodity to be traded for money.

The mosaics themselves, with their clock and bank designs, are a testament to the Mayan influence on the artwork. It’s impressive that the artist was able to incorporate this cultural inspiration into a contemporary piece of public art.

Overall, the “Time == Art” mosaics seem like a great addition to Belfort Square in Almere, providing a thought-provoking and visually striking representation of the intersection between time, energy, and art.