Bikes in Amsterdam

Bicycles are an iconic part of Amsterdam’s culture and daily life. With a flat landscape and a well-developed cycling infrastructure, biking is a convenient and practical mode of transportation for locals and tourists alike.

The thousands of bikes parked before the Central Station and along the canals are a testament to the popularity of cycling in Amsterdam. It’s not uncommon to see people of all ages and backgrounds riding bikes in the city, with some even transporting large items or even pets on their bikes.

In addition to being a practical mode of transportation, cycling in Amsterdam has also become a form of self-expression. The original clothes and decorated bikes that you mentioned are just a couple of examples of how cycling has become a part of the local culture.

Furthermore, it’s interesting to see the variety of bikes in Amsterdam, including some incredibly old ones. This demonstrates the long history and tradition of cycling in the city, and how it has been passed down from generation to generation.

Overall, it’s clear that bikes are not just a means of getting around in Amsterdam, but also a symbol of the city’s identity and lifestyle.