After the Tour de France 2016 in Barneville

It’s great to hear that the Tour de France had such a visible impact on the Cotentin region, particularly in Barneville-Carteret. It’s not surprising that there were bikes and cycling-related imagery all over the place after the event, as the Tour de France is a major sporting event that draws a lot of attention and excitement.

It’s also interesting to note that the Tour de France passed through Barneville-Carteret in 2016. This must have been a thrilling experience for locals and visitors alike, as they got to witness some of the world’s top cyclists racing through their town.

Overall, the Tour de France is a great way to promote cycling and physical activity, and it’s wonderful to see the positive impact it can have on local communities. It’s great to hear that the people of Cotentin were able to embrace the event and celebrate it in their own unique way.